
Stronger roots and boost hair growth

Get healthier and more beautiful hair!

HairLoc has been developed to support a healthy hair. Many feel that their daily hair loss is more extensive than is healthy. This may be due to the fact that we are all exposed to many toxic substances every day in food, in medicine, in personal hygiene products, and the water we bathe in. Often an excessive exposure to toxins can result in these toxins starting to accumulate.

The herbs in HairLoc can extend the hair’s active growth phase through a cleaner and improved blood supply to the roots of the hair. Consequently, not only is the daily hair loss reduced, the quality of the hair is improved with the hair growing longer. This results in an overall more beautiful, lustrous appearance and in some cases also a reduction in the appearance of grey hairs.

Ideal for..
  • Healthy hair.
  • Healthy hair growth (hair on the head). (*)

(*) Must use for a continued period of more than six months.

  • Reducing hair loss.
  • In some cases, the reduced appearance of grey hairs.